Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Here's my latest VLOG.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Power Point Reactions

Okay, we’re almost done with the epic stuff. I just need to type these 500 words and then I finally get to do other stuff. Here, I have to talk about three of the power point presentations that we had in class, which were really very good. They all made mine look like crap.
The first one I’m going to talk about is Brant’s comparison between Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. It was pretty good, but he left the entire original trilogy out. He made no mention of Boba Fett, Han Solo, Darth Vader, or any of the other really great characters in the original trilogy. He didn’t even mention the totally sweet Death Star! I think he should have talked about the new movies, yes, but he should also have talked about the second half of the story, which some consider to be the best.
If his epic hero was Anakin/ Vader, he should have talked about his fall from grace, becoming the horribly scarred, fearsome man in black, and finally his redemption with the death of the Emperor.
I’ve got nothing against the prequel trilogy, except for Jar-Jar, but I just think the original trilogy was better. George Lucas was working uphill, since everybody knew how the prequel trilogy would have to end, but he could have been a little more creative with the origin of Darth Vader. If I were telling the story, I would have had Anakin get caught in some kind of horrible explosion about a quarter of the way into Episode Three, and get trapped in the suit. Then, the Emperor would have offered him a way to get out of the suit, and that would be the vehicle for his fall from grace.

The next power point I am going to talk about is Chris’ presentation on Avatar. I thought his presentation was pretty good. He talked about all the important stuff, about all the spiritual stuff and what not.
The setting for Avatar is pretty epic. It’s this whole other planet in a whole other galaxy, where things are totally different than they would be on Earth. There’s trees as big as mountains, and everything has some kind of appendage that allows them to hook up into each other, and into the planet itself. There were flying mountains, for crying out loud.
The effects were pretty impressive, too. During the final fight scene between the Mercenaries and the natives of the planet Pandora was just spectacular. I saw it in 3D, and it was just wholly ridiculous. It was a great movie.

The third power point I’m going to talk about is Justine’s presentation on Harry Potter. It was very well presented, especially considering that she’s not a native English teacher. I was quite impressed. There were even a few times where she broke out into French, and that was just incredible. I’m just a country boy, so it’s probably the last time I’m ever going to hear French spoken.
I really do like Harry Potter. I’ve read all the books, I’ve seen almost all the movies, I’ve even played a few of the video games. But one thing I’ve noticed is that he’s a terrible detective. It takes him a whole year just to solve one mystery, and sometimes even then he’s way off on his deductions. Sherlock Holmes would figure it out in like five minutes.

So, there you have it. We’re about done with all the epic stuff. I hope next we get to make our own videos.
Stupid blogger won't let me upload images. Sorry, everybody.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


My Powerpoint comparing Army of Darkness to Lord of the Rings.

Monday, February 1, 2010

VLOG Numero Two-o

Okay, the reason I didn't cut that stuff out was because I was in a hurry. I missed out last week thanks to the cops.