Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Associated Press Publishes Controversial Photograph

On Friday, September 4, the Associated Press ran a story about an assault in Afghanistan. A squad of Marines was caught in an ambush staged by the Taliban. One soldier had his leg blown off, and died on the operating table. The Associated Press had an image of the Marine, leg missing, covered in blood, and used it in their media, against the wishes of the family.
Personally, I feel that the AP was in the wrong in this one. The family of the dead soldier has the final say in whether an image of their son can or cannot be used. If they say that an image should not be used, it should not be used. The Associated Press hides behind the First Amendment, claiming that it gives them the right to publish pictures, even if the grieving family of a dead man asks them not to. One of my favorite quotes is “My right to swing my fist ends at the other man’s nose.” I think that the Associated Press should keep that in mind.

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