Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dresden Files: Changes

The latest novel in the Dresden Files series, called Changes, really lives up to it's name. Seeing as how this is book 12 of the series, Butcher decided to make some serious shake-ups to the world he created, which is actually pretty cool. Most authors just tend to leave the world around the protagonist pretty static, which works alright for a trilogy, but a series of 12+ books is only made more interesting by changes to the hero's world.
The first big change comes in the first sentence of the book: I answered the phone, and Susan Rodriguez said, "They've taken our daughter." When I read that line, I was all like, "What the hell!" However, compared to the changes that come around later in the book, this is pretty minor. Yeah, you heard me right, Harry Dresden having a seven year old daughter that he doesn't know about is minor compared to what comes later. I'm not going to spoil anything major, especially since if you haven't read any of the books before this one, you probably wouldn't understand what I was talking about anyway. However, if you've read the series, this book is just going to leave you both speechless and freaked out. The internal conflict comes from what Harry would be willing to do to get his daughter back, while the external comes from him against the ones who took her.
The picture isn't from this book. It's from book 5, Dead Beat, where he made a zombie T-Rex, and then rode it around town.

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