Thursday, May 13, 2010

Final Blog

I learned a whole lot of stuff in Media Class, which I am currently in my LAST DAY OF!!!! I'm so freaking excited, mama-jammas!!!!!!!! Now that I've gotten that out of my system, we can continue.
I learned a whole bunch of stuff this year in Media Class. Some of the first things I learned how to do was blog, podcast, and Vlog. We stayed on this for a while. Just look through my history to see just what it was I blogged about. I did take my podcasts off of Youtube because I just didn't want them up there anymore, they were only taking up space. My Vlogs are still up, though.
After Vlogging and such, we learned about epic fantasy. We watched The Lord of the Rings for about two months. We also learned about how to upload power points to the internet.
After that, we learned about Media Literacy. Now we have a good idea about how companies promote things to us, and what it is they really think. It's all really just one big conspiracy, and at the heart of it is $. The food industry, the music industry, and movies and television are all trying their hardest to separate the teen from his money.
It was a hell of a year, and one interesting ride. The epics were a little out of place, but overall the class was a good time. This may well be my last blog, so all I have to say is, stay frosty.

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